Monday, 31 March 2014

My Writing Process - Blog Tour

I've been tagged to participate in an online tour where writers explain their process, what they're working on, and then link to other writers' blogs in an ever expanding web. Rachael Simpson posted her portion last week, and you can check out her website, Seed and Pearl, here.

1) What am I working on?

I have a variety of half-finished projects on my plate at the moment. Writing articles for this blog was originally a way to get my writing out there and market myself, but I took to it more than I anticipated. I have a handful of novels which I'm currently reworking and editing, and I also have a few screenplays I'm working on (which will lead precisely . . . nowhere). I also have a few side projects which I don't want to discuss in case they never come to fruition.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?

It doesn't, as far as I'm concerned. I write fiction novels and blog articles in the vein of what I enjoy reading, so aside from my own personal writing style, it mimics the sort of tone and structure that I enjoy consuming. What I'm saying is, I'm not very original.

Sue me.

3) Why do I write what I do?

My writing consists mainly of two aspects: my blog articles and my novels. With my blog articles, I'm usually trying to make a point or express an idea, whether it be something serious and philosophical, or something stupid and mundane (probably regarding movies). With my novels, I'm simply trying to tell an entertaining story. Often there are themes, messages, and ideologies crammed in, but for the most part I try to entertain as well as convey some sort of cathartic emotion through storytelling.

4) How does your writing process work?

First, I have to have something I feel compelled enough to write about (I'm a busy guy) to the point that I'll be dedicated enough to spend a month or two sitting down for an hour or so a night to work on it (in the case of my novels). Those sorts of ideas are few and far between, which is why I enjoy writing for this blog, because I only have to dedicate a single night to an article, so I can produce something quick and dirty whenever an idea pops into my head.

As for my actually process, I enjoy listening to music in seclusion - no sitting at coffee shops or outside. I don't like having any outside influences when I'm in my "zone." If I'm writing a novel, I'll often watch movies or trailers that are along the same lines as what I'm writing to put myself in the right mindset.

Next week the following bloggers will be participating in the blog tour.

Max Gorokhovski - Max originally wanted to be a painter, comic artist or something more directly visual, but over time developed a fond love for painting pictures with words and letting the reader visualize the image. This led him to become an aspiring screenwriter and amateur film and TV Critic. Check out his site here.

Jeremiah Shaw - Jeremiah writes short stories. Sometimes he writes charming ones. Occasionally he writes morbid ones. People seem to think he’s pretty clever, people also seem to think he’s a bit unusual. Check out his site here

Melina Stanko - Melina is an accomplished professional 2D Digital Animator who, in her spare time, updates her blog A Canuck's Guide to Toxic Free Living. Having been raised by conscientious objectors from the movements formed in the 1960's and 1970's (who emphasized social responsibility through consumerism) Melina researches and informs her readers on a wide variety of environmentally friendly products, information which she hopes will make a positive impact not only on human health, but also aid environmental awareness and habitat preservation for future generations. Check out her site here.

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